Saturday, December 13, 2008

Santa has left the building:)

Santa was carried out today by his new owner...we took an old santa suit complete with hat and beard and stuffed him full!!! I think he will be well taken care of:)

Friday, December 12, 2008

show & tell

I know this is my second post in one day, but I wanted to show how someone as uncrafty as me can follow directions:) Heather Bullard showed how to make these tissue paper flowers on her blog and I have a lot of old sewing patterns in the shoppe so I thought I would try it!! It was really easy and for my first one I thought it turned out pretty good!!! Now I can't stop making them:)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas at the Shoppe!

These are long overdue, but just a few pics from my shoppe. We have sold a lot since our Christmas open house on November 3rd, but these will give an idea of our displays!

our version of a white christmas on the porch

a few more shoppe displays

Thanks for stopping by...
shoppe girl